

Children’s WritingSessions

Do you have a reluctant writer?

If your child shies away from writing, says they 'don't like English' and never picks up a pen for fun, they could benefit from my one-to-one writing sessions.


Encouraging Creativity

Many children don't enjoy writing because it's made to be so difficult for them at school. Forcing kids to concentrate on spelling, capital letters, punctuation, grammar, making sure their story has a beginning, middle and an end...yawn. No wonder they can't find their creativity while they write.

But that's not how writers work. Write first, edit later!

Finding The Fun

In my sessions, I focus on big ideas, silly words and writing whatever the child wants to, without worrying about whether it makes immediate sense or if they've put full stops in the right place!

If you'd like your primary-aged child to find the fun in their writing, get in contact today to find out how I can help.


Personal Writing Sessions

“I'd love to be able to write”

Often, the first thing that people say to me when I tell them what I do is 'I'd love to be able to write' or 'I have lots of ideas but when I try to write them down they just don't sound right' or, even worse, 'I can't write'.


You Can Write

Would you be surprised to hear that, actually, you can write? (I know that, without even having to meet you.) All it takes is for somebody (that's me) to help you remove the barriers that stop you transferring your creativity, ideas and thoughts onto paper or screen.

Write Without Fear

I'd like to invite you to find out more about my one-on-one writing sessions. Instead of a group workshop, I'll spend two hours with just you. I'll lead you through some activities and exercises, chosen specifically for you, using a simple technique that will help you to overcome Blank Page Freeze. I'll never ask you to share anything so you can use this cathartic session to write without fear of judgement.

Whether you want to write for business or simply for yourself, get in contact today to find out how I can help you.